Equal Treatment Bench Book: new 2024 edition

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A new and comprehensive 2024 edition of the Equal Treatment Bench Book (ETBB) has been published online.

The ETBB aims to increase awareness and understanding of the different circumstances of people appearing in courts and tribunals.

Containing practical guidance, the ETBB aids effective communication to help make the court experience fair for all, and accessible for parties and witnesses who might be uncertain, fearful or feel unable to participate.

This new edition aims to be as concise as possible, so that judges can easily access the necessary information. Each chapter has been updated, incorporating legislative/caselaw changes, removing out-of-date studies, newspaper references and adding relevant new statistics from reliable sources.

The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, said: “I am grateful to all of those involved in the latest major revision of the ETBB. The ETBB is a living document, written by judges for judges, it clearly sets out how we can have a greater understanding of the different circumstances of those appearing before us. Alongside the Statement of Expected Behaviour, it also provides for a shared understanding of behaviours that judicial office holders can expect from each other and that others can expect from them. I encourage you all to read it.”

Key changes made to the ETBB include:

  • Chapter 3: Physical disability; Chapter 4: Mental disability; and Appendix B: Disability glossary
  • Chapter 6: renamed Sex (previously called Gender)
  • Chapter 8: Racism, cultural/ethnic differences, antisemitism and Islamophobia
  • Chapter 12: Trans people

A PDF version of the ETBB is available below.

A Word version of the ETBB is available for those who find the PDF is incompatible with their screen reader. To request a copy, please email jcpublications@judiciary.uk stating the type of screen reader you use.