Call for evidence on the digital reform of tribunals and addressing disadvantage


The Administrative Justice Council (‘AJC’) is calling for evidence on the impact of digital reform of tribunals on users and addressing disadvantage in the administrative justice system.

The call will run until Monday 10 February at 5pm.

Following surveys in 2023, the AJC is seeking further evidence from representatives, advisors, community-based organisations and anyone else who assists individuals in resolving disputes in the administrative justice system to inform two of its working group’s final reports. Both groups hope to make practical recommendations to improve access to justice and the experience of those engaging with the administrative justice system. The AJC is particularly interested in hearing about examples of challenges faced by advisors or clients, any areas of best practice to help people through the system and suggestions for where improvements could be made to assist participants in the administrative justice system.

Please note, Section 1 of the Call for Evidence is to collect evidence on the impact on users of digital reform in tribunals and Section 2 of the Call for Evidence is to collect evidence on the barriers to accessing administrative justice arising from personal circumstances or personal characteristics of people seeking justice. Respondents are free to only answer sections/questions they feel most relevant to them.

You can respond to the Call for Evidence in a number of ways; find out more about how to respond here (external link).

  • If you have any questions about the Call for Evidence or your submission, please contact