E Filing
CE File is our new electronic filing and case management system. The case management system has been in use within the Chancery Division since October 2014, TCC since November 2014, Admiralty and Commercial Court since June 2015 and it has now also been deployed to Bankruptcy and Companies. For professional court users, who have previously had to file documents in paper form and pay court fees manually, we are introducing electronic filing capability which enables users to file documents at court electronically and pay court fees online.
This functionality was initially piloted within the TCC over the summer of 2015, and the pilot has now been extended to all of the jurisdictions of the Rolls Building. Combined, the new electronic case management and filing systems places the Rolls Building in the forefront of modern technology around the world, consistent with the high standard and international reputation of London as a business dispute resolution centre.
CE File can be accessed at ce-file.uk