Family Justice Council Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture – 5 March 2024
Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture
Given by Jacky Tiotto, Cafcass Chief Executive
‘A light or a sound in the distance – finding a clearer way through private family law proceedings’
Tuesday 5 March 2024, 10.05am to 11.00am (online)
This online event is being hosted as part of the Family Justice Council’s annual interdisciplinary conference, which is being held in Birmingham on Tuesday 5 March 2024. This year’s topic will be ‘Children and Young People: Promoting a Developmental Approach in the Family Justice System.
The Bridget Lindley Memorial lecture will be available to all online. The event will be hosted by Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and Chair of the Family Justice Council.
The Bridget Lindley Memorial Lecture, now in its seventh year, was set up to commemorate the life and work of Bridget Lindley OBE who died in 2016. Bridget served with distinction as a member of the Family Justice Council and as the Family Rights Group’s Principal Legal Adviser and Deputy Chief Executive.
This year’s lecture will be given by Jacky Tiotto, (Cafcass CEO), The title of the lecture is, ‘A light or a sound in the distance – finding a clearer way through private family law proceedings’.
Please click this link to register for the lecture. Registration closes on Friday 1 March 2024.