Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Annual Report 2011/12
“The Court is continuing to maintain its accessibility outside London by sitting in Wales again in October 2012. It is not always possible to hear appeals from Welsh Courts in Wales, particularly if they need to be dealt with urgently, but wherever practicable the Court will sit in Wales to hear appeals from cases heard and decided in Wales. I am particularly pleased to have sat in Wales myself this October.
“The Court continues to be concerned by the long and short term issue of the way in which modern technology will impinge on trial by jury. There have been an increasing number of cases in which grounds of appeal against conviction have featured allegations of jury impropriety relating to the misuse of technology. This is a matter that will require close attention over the coming year to ensure the continuing integrity of the jury system.
“As the report which follows shows, the Court is deeply indebted to the Criminal Cases Review Commission for all aspects of their assistance, not least the way in which they carry out investigations into allegations of jury misconduct.
“Finally, no one knows better than I do of the quality of the work done with such energetic efficiency by those who work behind the scenes in the Court of Appeal Criminal Division Office. In difficult times they continue to provide the judiciary with the greatest possible assistance. We are indebted to them.”
Lord Judge, the Lord Chief Justice