Celebrating judicial achievements at the Young Magistrates Conference
More than 100 young magistrates attended a special online conference to celebrate and discuss their roles within the judiciary.
Hosted by the Magistrates Association (opens in a new tab) (MA), the second Young Magistrates Conference was held virtually, adhering to the ongoing COVID restrictions.
The event brought together 100 young magistrates to explore the opportunities for them to take on additional responsibilities in the magistracy, discuss the attraction and recruitment of others in their age group, and celebrate their contributions to the judiciary.
Baroness Hale, former President of the Supreme Court, was one of the key speakers. She highlighted the importance of judicial diversity, saying the magistracy is more diverse than the paid judiciary, but there is still more to do.
“We need more young magistrates as they have the energy, resilience and skills to meet future challenges,” said Baroness Hale.
Luke Rigg, Chair of the Young Magistrates Special Interest Group (YMSIG), said:
“I’m really pleased that over one hundred young magistrates attended the second national Young Magistrates Conference on 13 February. We heard so much passion from delegates, including ideas to improve the way we attract and recruit diverse groups of magistrates. I’d like to thank Judicial Office, the Ministry of Justice and HMCTS for supporting the event and for their continued commitment to young magistrates.”
The YMSIG was launched in April 2019 and comprises MA members under the age of 40. As only 5% of magistrates are under 40, whilst 52% are over the age of 60. You can find out more information about the YMSIG here.