The European Arrest Warrant: Judicial Recommendations
The European Arrest Warrant Judicial Network Project (EAWJNP) was a two year project which ran between November 2012 and November 2014. It was co-financed by a European Union Action Grant under the Criminal Justice Programme.
The project brought together judicial authorities from across the EU to explore the operation of the European Arrest Warrant and consider possible improvements in its implementation and application from a judicial perspective. The aims of the project were to increase mutual judicial understanding, co-operation and recognition, improve appreciation of the issues faced by individual Member States and increase co-operation between Member States.
The project was led by the Judicial Office with support from our partners – the Spanish Judicial Office, supported by the Spanish General Council for the Judiciary and the Spanish Training Academy and the Lithuanian Judicial Office, supported by the National Courts Administration of Lithuania. The project also benefitted from input from the Judicial College and the Swedish Training Academy.
We used three different methods to canvas judicial opinion and in total over 160 judicial authorities from 24 Member States played some part in the project. We began with an on line questionnaire, followed by a series of workshops held in London, Madrid and Vilnius. The information gathered by those means was discussed and refined at the final plenary conference in London in July 2014.