Financial Remedies Working Group final report
The Financial Remedies Working Group (“the group”) was established by the President of the Family Division in June 2014. It has been chaired by Nicholas Mostyn J and Stephen Cobb J.
The membership of the group, consisting of members of the judiciary, practitioners and HMCTS officials, is as follows: Nicholas Mostyn J, Stephen Cobb J, HHJ Philip Waller, DJ Edward Hess, DJ Marshall Phillips, Amy Kisser, Lucy Reed, Maggie Rae, Paul Stewart and Jo Wilkinson.
The group produced an interim report on 31 July 2014, making a number of recommendations. This final report should be read in conjunction with that interim report.
To ensure that full consultation was achieved before the recommendations were finalised, comments were invited on the report from interested organisations and individuals. Responses have been received from the Family Law Bar Association, Resolution, the Family Justice Council and a number of individual practitioners and judges. The responses were predominantly favourable to the recommendations in the report, although some made particular observations on the detail of some of the proposals. The group has now carefully considered all the responses.