Judicial Skills and Abilities Framework
What is the Judicial Skills and Abilities Framework?
The Judicial Skills and Abilities Framework describes the skills and abilities required by judicial office-holders and those in judicial leadership and management roles.
Does the Judicial Skills and Abilities Framework apply to me?
The Judicial Skills and Abilities Framework applies to all judicial office-holders (except magistrates)1 and those in judicial leadership and management roles. The framework may need to be amended or supplemented to meet specific requirements in some jurisdictions.
How do I use the framework?
The left hand column shows the statements which apply to all judicial office-holders. Next to this are the elements that define the statements. Each element does not need to be demonstrated for the overarching statement to be fulfilled.
The right hand column shows the extra statements which apply to those in judicial leadership and management roles. Next to this are the supporting elements that define the statements. Level 1 is designed to apply to senior leadership and management roles (e.g. Presiding Judges, Family Division Liaison Judges, Chancery Supervising Judges, Chamber Presidents and similar roles). Level 2 is designed to apply to all other leadership and management roles (e.g. Resident Judges, Designated Family Judges, Designated Civil Judges, Presidents of the Regional Tribunal Judges and similar roles). However it is expected that they will be used flexibly, in recognition of the fluidity of judicial leadership and management roles.