Judicial Office Business Plan 2013-14
Foreword: By the Lord Chief Justice and Senior President of Tribunals
An independent, efficient and effective judiciary is central to ensuring the fair and impartial delivery of justice. We are hugely indebted to the staff across the Judicial Office, who play a valuable part by supporting us and our judicial colleagues – enabling the judiciary, in courts and tribunals, to play their part successfully in the ever-changing environment in which we operate.
We welcome the 2013-14 Business Plan for the Judicial Office and congratulate you all on the way in which you have handled complex changes over the last year. We wish Anne Sharp well in her new job as Chief Executive of ACAS and greet Jillian Kay, who joined us in February 2013 as the new Chief Executive of the Judicial Office. We look forward to working with all of the Judicial Office in the year ahead. Igor Judge and Jeremy Sullivan