Lord Chief Justice issues 10th amendment to the Criminal Practice Directions (2015)
The Lord Chief Justice has today (12 May 2020) issued the 10th amendment to the Criminal Practice Directions 2015. It will come into force on 13 May 2020.
This update provides amendments to existing Criminal Practice Directions and supplements the Criminal Procedure Rules. The Table of Content is amended accordingly:
1. CPD I General matters 3Q: Failure to comply with requirement to give name, date of birth and nationality
These new paragraphs provide guidance on the correct procedure for prosecuting a person for
an offence of failing to provide name, date of birth and nationality, without reasonable excuse,
under section 86A(3) of the Courts Act 2003.
2. CPD I General matters 3R: Hearing to inform the court of sensitive material
These section supports the new CrimPR 3.29 (Hearing to inform the court of sensitive material) and highlights some examples of such sensitive material to which this rule applies to. It also reiterates a hearing to which rule 3.29 applies must be recorded using a suitable and suitably secure device, and stored securely.
3. CPD II Preliminary Proceedings 7A: First court attendance after charge and detention
These sections outline the practical arrangements which must be made to ensure the first court
attendance of a defendant after charge and detention in compliance with section 46 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.
4. CPD III Custody and Bail 14C Penalties for failure to surrender
The heading of this section has been amended. New sections have been inserted which outline
the practical arrangements which must be made after a defendant is arrested for breach of bail,
and which provide guidance on the procedure where the defendant voluntarily attends court
after a previous failure to attend.
CPD XIII LISTING G: Listing of hearings other than trials
The amendments offer guidance on the appropriate venue for breach proceedings and appeals to the Crown Court from Magistrates’ Courtss.