Lord Chief Justice’s Annual Report 2019
The Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Burnett of Maldon, has published his Annual Report 2019 and laid it before Parliament today (Tuesday 5 November).
In the report, he discusses the challenges faced by the judiciary this year, the courts modernisation programme, recruitment to the Bench, building on the work of Diversity and Community Relations Judges who visit schools, the launch of the Massive Online Open Course (opens in a new tab) explaining the workings of the judiciary to young people, and much more.
Lord Burnett said: “The judges and magistrates of England and Wales at every level do a remarkable job in difficult circumstances. They are dedicated to the public interest. They have my profound thanks for what they do and deserve the thanks of all those they serve. So too do the dedicated staff in Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service and the Judicial Office.
“This has not been an easy year and the future is replete with financial and other uncertainty. The judiciary and all those who work in the courts will continue to rise to meet the challenges we face.”
The Lord Chief Justice’s Annual Report 2019 can be read in full below.