Sentencing Council Annual Report 2021/22
The Sentencing Council annual report for 2021/22 (external link), published on 22 July 2022, is Lord Justice Holroyde’s fourth report as Chairman of the Council.
It documents the Council’s achievements of the year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 in the context of the objectives set in the Council five-year strategy, Sentencing Council strategic objectives 2021-2026 (external link).
These achievements include:
- publishing five sets of definitive guidelines:
revised drug offences guidelines, covering offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Psychoactive Substances Act 2016;
revised guidelines for assault offences and attempted murder;
guidelines for sentencing individuals and organisations for unauthorised use of a trade mark;
guidelines for sentencing offences under the Modern Slavery Act 2015; and
a guideline for sentencing offenders convicted of importing prohibited or restricted firearms.
- holding consultations on miscellaneous amendments to guidelines and on draft guidelines for sentencing:
burglary offences;
firearms importation offences;
perverting the course of justice and witness intimidation;
sexual offences; and
terrorism offences.
The report outlines research conducted or published during the year, including an examination of the Council’s impact over its first 10 years, and sets out the work the Council is doing to strengthen public confidence in sentencing.