Standard Orders update from Mr Justice Peel
FamilyFamily DivisionPresident of the Family DivisionStandard Family Orders
I make this announcement with the authority of the President (of the Family Division).
On 17 May 2023 the updated Standard Orders were released after a comprehensive review. As explained in the Notice issued on that occasion, it is anticipated that a limited review will take place in 2024. In the meantime, there may be occasional updates.
During the last few months, a handful of suggested amendments have been drawn to my attention.
They are: (i) committal orders are included in both volumes, (ii) new police disclosure orders have been included in Volume 2, (iii) the email address for the Cafcass High Court Team has been updated, (iv) the use of “lay justices” has been replaced by “magistrates”, (v) a draft order for challenges to arbitration in children matters is included, in accordance with G v G [2022] EWFC 151, and (vi) some minor typographical errors have been corrected. I attach both updated volumes.
Mr Justice Peel
Judge in Charge of the Standard Orders