ICC Judges
Chief ICC Judge Briggs
Chief ICC Judge Briggs was called to the Bar in 1994. He was appointed as a full time ICC Judge in 2015. He was appointed to his current post, of Chief ICC Judge, in 2017.
Contact: Rolls.ICL.Hearing1@justice.gov.uk

ICC Judge Burton
ICC Judge Burton qualified as a solicitor at Simmons & Simmons in 1993. She was appointed as a full time ICC Judge in 2018.
Contact: Rolls.ICL.Hearing1@justice.gov.uk
ICC Judge Barber
ICC Judge Barber was called to the Bar in 1988. She was appointed as Registrar in Bankruptcy of the High Court in 2009. She is also a member of the Insolvency Rules Committee.
Contact: Rolls.ICL.Hearing1@justice.gov.uk

ICC Judge Jones
ICC Judge Jones was called to the Bar in 1981. He was appointed as Registrar in Bankruptcy of the High Court in 2012. In 2015, he was also appointed as a Criminal Recorder on the South-Eastern Circuit.
Contact: Rolls.ICL.Hearing1@justice.gov.uk
ICC Judge Mullen
ICC Judge Mullen was called to the Bar in 2001. He was appointed as an ICC Judge in 2018. He also sits as a Chancery Recorder at Central London County Court and a Family Recorder on the South-Eastern circuit.
Contact: Rolls.ICL.Hearing1@justice.gov.uk
ICC Judge Prentis
ICC Judge Prentis was called to the Bar in 1996. He was appointed as an ICC Judge in 2018.
Contact: Rolls.ICL.Hearing1@justice.gov.uk