AA and others -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department

Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionOrder

Claim number: AC-2024-LON-001918

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court

18 June 2024


The Hon. Mrs Justice Collins Rice DBE CB


The King on the application of
AA (AC-2024-LON-0019180
MN (AC-2024-LON-001706)
AMX (AC-2024-LON-001355)


Secretary of State for the Home Department


FURTHER TO the Order of Chamberlain J dated 14 June 2024 giving directions in the case of R (oao) SM (AC-2024-LON-001789) (“the SM case”) and others (“the Order of Chamberlain J”);

UPON the Order of Chamberlain J having determined that the cases of AA, MN and AMX are not to be joined to the SM case;

AND FURTHER TO paragraph 10 of the Order of Chamberlain J providing for a directions hearing (“the Directions Hearing”) in relation to those cases;

AND UPON the Court having been made aware that it may be convenient for directions for other cases currently before the Administrative Court or the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) raising similar issues to be considered on the same occasion:


1. The Directions Hearing is listed to take place at 10.30am on Friday 28th June 2024 before Collins Rice J sitting in the dual capacity of a judge of the Administrative Court and of the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (“UTIAC”), with an estimated hearing length of one day.

2. The purpose of the Directions Hearing is:
a. to identify as concisely as possible the common issues arising in the AA, MN and AMX claims which may make it just and convenient for these claims to be joined, or otherwise continue to be considered together;
b. to set a timetable towards the determination of those common issues, including in relation to statements of case, legal submissions, the filing and service of evidence and the disposal of any interim applications, and to consider what further directions may be necessary or desirable; and
c. to consider any applications for other claims which:
i. are before the Administrative Court or UTIAC,
ii. have not been joined with, and are not being case-managed together with, the SM case, and
iii. include challenges to an alleged failure of the Secretary of State to take decisions as to the admissibility of an asylum claim, with a view to potential removal of the claimant to a safe third state
to be joined, managed or considered together with the AA, MN and AMX cases, or alternatively to be stayed pending consideration of those cases.

3. Any applications for claims to be considered for the purposes of paragraph 2c must be made as soon as possible and in any event by 4.30pm on Monday 24th June 2024.

4. Outline skeleton arguments are to be filed and exchanged by 4.30pm on Wednesday 26th June.

5. An agreed bundle for the directions hearing is to lodged by noon on Thursday 27th June 2024.

6. The Government Legal Department (“GLD”) is directed to send a copy of this Order, as quickly as reasonably possible, to the legal representatives of any claimant in a case in respect of which:
a. the Secretary of State is minded to make an application for the purposes of paragraph 2c; or
b. the GLD is aware that an opportunity for an application for the purposes of paragraph 2c may be sought.