AA -v- BB & Ors (anonymity order)

Queen's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Claim No: QB-2022-001656


Dated: 26/05/2022

The Honourable Mr Justice Murray

(1) BB
(2) CC
(3) DD
(4) EE

UPON the application of the Claimant/Applicant (the Claimant) made by an Application Notice dated 25 May 2022 (the Application)
AND UPON hearing Queen’s Counsel for the Claimant
AND UPON reading the evidence filed
AND UPON IT APPEARING that non-disclosure of the identity of the Claimant and the Defendants (the Defendants) is necessary in order to protect the interests of the Claimant and is in the interests of justice

1. Until further order of the Court, there shall be substituted in the Claim Form:
(a) in place of references to the Claimant (the Claimant) by name,
references to the letters A.A.;
(b) in place of references to the First Defendant (the First Defendant)
by name, references to the letters B.B.;
(c) in place of references to the Second Defendant (the Second
Defendant) by name, references to the letters C.C.;
(d) in place of references to the Third Defendant (the Third
Defendant) by name, references to the letters D.D.;
(e) in place of references to the Fourth Defendant (the Fourth
Defendant) by name, references to the letters E.E.;
2. For the avoidance of doubt., until further order of the Court, the claim shall
be listed on the register of claims kept by the Court (the Register of
Claims) under the name “A.A. v B.B., C.C., D.D., and E.E” and with the
names of the Claimant, the First Defendant, the Second Defendant, the
Third and the Fourth Defendant as “A.A., B.B., C.C., D.D., and E.E ”
respectively. Save as aforesaid, no further details of the claim shall be
placed on the Register of Claims.
3. Until further order of the Court., a non-party may not inspect or obtain
any copy of any document from the Court file without the permission of the
Court. Any application for such permission must be made on notice to the
Claimant. The Court shall effect service. Such file is to be retained by the
Court and marked “PRIVATE”.
4. Any party or non-party affected by this order may apply on notice to the
Claimant to set aside or vary this order. The Court shall effect service.
5. There shall be permission to the Claimant and the Defendants to apply. Any
application by the Defendants shall be made on notice to the Claimant.
6. The costs of this application are reserved.