AAZ -v- London Borough of Ealing and another (anonymity order)

Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Claim number: CO/2512/2023

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court

7 July 2023


The Honourable Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb DBE


The King on the application of
AAZ (a child) by his Litigation Friend BBZ


London Borough of Ealing


Swansea Magistrates Court


On an application by Claimant for Interim Relief
Following consideration of the documents lodged by the Claimant and the Defendant being on notice of the application
ORDER by the Honourable Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb DBE

  1. Urgent consideration is granted.
  2. Anonymity for the child and his mother is granted.
  3. The Defendant is to provide suitable accommodation for the Claimant pursuant to section 20 Children Act 1989 by 10am on Monday 10 July 2023 and until permission to bring this claim is decided, or further order.
  4. The Defendant has liberty to apply on 48 hours notice.
  5. Costs reserved.


  1. The Defendant has been invited to provide accommodation for this Claimant, so that a realistic bail application and package can be presented. He is a vulnerable child. There is prima facie evidence of persistent exploitation of the Claimant by trafficking which has involved him in class A drug dealing far from his home in London.
  2. The Defendant has accepted, in correspondence, a duty to accommodate the Claimant but has not done so and has given no firm undertaking to do so.
  3. The Claimant has been held in youth custody, his first detention experience, since 24 June 2023.
  4. This application is not premature in my view given the fair and just requirement that there be a bail address available for the Swansea Crown Court to consider as part of an appeal against grant of bail to be heard on Monday 10 July 2023.
  5. Anonymity is appropriate and just given the Claimant’s age and current circumstances.