APD -v- The Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)
Administrative CourtCivilHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order
Case number: AC-2024-LON-003045
In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court
23 January 2025
Deputy High Court Judge Aidan Eardley KC
The King
on the application of
The Secretary of State for the Home Department
Amended order
UPON the Claimant’s application by notice dated 13 January 2025 supported by written submissions and a Witness Statement of the Claimant’s husband
And UPON the said application notice requesting that the application be determined without a hearing
And UPON having considered the observations of the Defendant set out in an email to the Court dated 20 January 2025
And UPON hearing argument from counsel at the conclusion of the hearing on 22 January 2025
And UPON the Court being satisfied that the derogations from open justice contained in this order are strictly necessary for the purposes of protecting the interests of the Claimant, her husband and, her children and her husband’s other child.
And pursuant to the Court’s inherent power to control its own proceedings and CPR 39.2(4) and (as applicable) CPR 5.4C
- the names of the Claimant, her husband, her children and her husband’s other child shall be withheld from the public at any hearing in public in these proceedings.
- Henceforth, any Order (including the present Order), any public judgment and any court list shall omit the name of the Claimant, her husband, her children and her husband’s other child and the Claimant shall be referred to in any such Order, judgment or court list as APD.
- The Claimant’s name shall be removed from any register of claims that is publicly accessible pursuant to CPR 5.4(1) and shall be replaced with the initials APD.
- A statement of case or Order that is to be supplied to a non-party under CPR 5.4C(1) must first be edited to remove the names and addresses of the Claimant, her husband, her children and her husband’s other child.
- Any application pursuant to CPR 5.4C(2) (to obtain any other document filed by a party) or 5.4C(6) (to obtain an unedited copy of a statement of case or Order) must be made on notice to the parties.
- Any person wishing to apply to vary or discharge this Order must make an Application to the Court, served on each party.
- A copy of this Order will be published on the website of the Judiciary of England and Wales.
- Costs reserved.
DATED this 21st day of January 2025
Amended this 23rd day of January 2025 By THE COURT