BKL -v- Derbyshire County Council (anonymity order)

Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Case number: AC-2025-BHM-000002

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court

In the matter of an application for judicial review

27 January 2025


HHJ Richard Williams
sitting as a Judge of the High Court


The King
on the application of


Derbyshire County Council


(Interested Party)

Anonymity order

On an application by the Defendant for urgent consideration

ORDER by HHJ Richard Williams sitting as a Judge of the High Court:

  1. Anonymity:

(a) Under the Court’s inherent jurisdiction and pursuant to s. 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998:

(i) the names of the Claimant, the Interested Party and their children are to be withheld from the public and must not be disclosed in any proceedings in public;

(ii) the Claimant is to be referred to orally and in writing as BKL;

(iii) the Interested Party is to be referred to orally and in writing as BBK; and

(iv) Their children, if referred to, shall only be referred to by letters of the alphabet.

(b) Pursuant to s. 11 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981, there must be no publication of the identity of the Claimant, the Interested Party, or their children, or of any matter likely to lead to the identification of them in any report of, or otherwise in connection with, these proceedings.

(c) Pursuant to CPR 5.4C(4):

(i) the parties must within 7 days file and serve a redacted copy of any statement of case already filed, omitting the name, address and any other information likely to lead to the identification of the Claimant, the Interested Party and/or their children;

(ii) if any statement of case subsequently filed includes information likely to lead to the identification of the Claimant, the Interested Party and/or their children, a redacted copy omitting that information must be filed at the same time and must then be served with the unredacted version;

(iii) unless the Court grants permission under CPR 5.4C(6), no non- party many obtain a copy of any unredacted statement of case.

(d) Any person wishing to vary or discharge this Order must make an application, served on each party.

  1. The deadline for the Defendant’s Acknowledgment of Service and Summary Grounds is varied to 4pm on the date 14 days after service of this order upon the Defendant.


Anonymity: The Claimant seeks to challenge by way of judicial review decisions made by the Defendant, which impact upon minor children. I consider that it is necessary to protect and promote the welfare of the children that their privacy be maintained. There are accordingly compelling reasons for the limited derogations from the principle of open justice in paragraph 1 of this order.

Signed: HHJ Richard Williams
Dated: 27.01.25