Committal for Contempt of Court in Open Court at Bristol: Foxwell
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Case No: RS16D00223
The Family Court and Court of Protection
18 May 2021
HHJ Cronin
Victoria Foxwell
Nicholas Foxwell
On 18 May 2021 Nicholas Foxwell was made subject to a suspended committal order for 28 days, suspended on payment of global maintenance to his former wife for her benefit and for the benefit of the parties’ three children at the rate of £1500 per calendar month commencing on 1 June 2021, £10,000 on 1 July 2021 and £10,000 on 1 November 2021, as punishment for his breach of the order made by DJ Watson on 26.10.18 to pay £2,000 pcm to his former wife for her benefit and the benefit of their children.