Committal for Contempt of Court in Open Court at Central London: Parker

CivilCommittal for Contempt of Court

Claim G01EC155

Central London

2 April 2020

His Honour Judge Lethem
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Karen Parker

His Honour Judge Lethem sitting in the County Court at Central London as a Circuit Judge of the County Court, sentenced the Defendant in that case, to a custodial sentence of 12 weeks (suspended until midnight on 29 June 2021)  for contempt of court on breach of an Injunction Order dated 02 April 2020. The basis of the sentence imposed is that Karen Parker was in breach of the Injunction, by:
1.The Defendant breached paragraphs 1 and 2 the injunction order dated 2nd April 2020 by shouting and using abusive, insulting, foul threatening language on the 10th April 2020 from 6am in and outside of or around 11 Chancellor House, Greenbank London, E1W 2QB
2.  The Defendant breached paragraphs 1 and 2 of the injunction order dated 2nd April 2020 by shouting and using abusive, insulting, foul threatening language on the 10th April 2020 when interacting with the police on the 10th April 2020 in the vicinity of 12 Chancellor House, Greenbank London, E1W 2QB
3. The Defendant breached clause 2 and 3 of the injunction order dated 2nd April 2020 by using a hammer to smash the window of 12 Chancellor House, Greenbank, London, E1W 2QB
4. The Defendant breached clause 2 and 3 of the injunction order dated 2nd April 2020 by being in possession of cannabis in the vicinity of 11 Chancellor House, Greenbank London, E1W 2QB
1. These breaches were contrary to the terms of the Injunction Order dated 2.4.2020 to which Karen Parker was subject.