Committal for Contempt of Court in Open Court at Oxford: Rocha
Committal or Other Order upon Proof of Disobedience of a Court Order or Breach of an Undertaking:
In the Oxford County Court, before District Judge Devlin on 6 August 2020. Case G70OX004, Thames Valley Police v Mrs Aparecida Rocha.
- Name of Defendant: Mrs Aparecida Rocha.
- The nature of the contempt of court in respect of which the committal order is made: housing related nuisance and disorderly behaviour by way of shouting, screaming and breaking objects.
- The punishment being imposed: That the Defendant be committed for contempt to prison for a period of four weeks. The Order is suspended until 10 March 2021 on certain terms.
- The nature of contempt is breach of an anti social behaviour injunction on 5 occasions between march and April 2010 by way of housing related nuisance and disorderly behaviour by way of shouting, screaming and breaking objects.