Committal for contempt of court: Places For People Homes Limited -v- Giles

County CourtCommittal for Contempt of Court

Claim Number: K00DE139

In The County Court at Derby

22 March 2023

Places For People Homes Limited
Gary Giles

Committal For Contempt of Court in Open Court

On 27 February 2023 the Defendant was prohibited from (amongst other things):

  1. Using abusive threatening or violent behaviour towards Faseeha Khan, or any other member of staff, or contractor employed by the Claimant or Derwent Housing Association Limited, engaging in lawful activity in the locality of Haslemere Court, Douglas Street, Derby DE23 8JJ
  2. Using abusive, threatening or violent behaviour towards any person residing or visiting the premises of Haslemere Court, Douglas Street, Derby DE23 8JJ

A power of arrest was attached to the Order.

The Order was served on the Defendant.

On 22 March 2023 the Defendant was brought before the Court, having been arrested at Haslemere Court, Douglas Street, Derby DE23 8JJ for breaching the order made on 27 February 2023 by using abusive and threatening behaviour towards Faseeha Khan and another person at Haslemere Court, Douglas Street, Derby DE23 8JJ on 21 March at approximately 2.30pm.
The Claimant was represented by a Solicitor. The Defendant was represented by a Solicitor. The Defendant admitted the breach.

This was the first breach of the injunction.

The Court sentenced Gary Giles to a suspended committal order of 2 weeks for contempt of Court. The committal order is suspended until 22 March 2024 and will not be put into force if during that time Mr Gary Giles complies with the terms of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the injunction Order dated 27 February 2023.

George Lubega
District Judge