Committal for contempt of court: Teachers Housing Association -v- Shirin Kimji

County CourtCommittal for Contempt of Court

Case No: L70CR018

In Croydon County Court

21 October 2024


DJ Rowland


Teachers Housing Association


Shirin Khimji


  1. On the 21 October 2024  this court committed the following named person to prison: Shirin Khimji.
  2. In relation to an order dated 13 February 2024.
  3. Which provided (inter alia) that the Defendant should not  

enter parts of Peter Kennedy Court
use abusive language or be abusive towards those at Peter Kennedy Court
communicate with named individuals being the applicant’s witnesses
act in a way capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to those at Peter Kennedy Court   

4. The court found that the Defendant had breached that order by:

–             abusing Ms Simms Rhoden, a person engaged in lawful business at Peter Kennedy Court

–             using abusive language towards Ms Simms Rhoden, a member of the applicant’s staff

–             banging on the door at Peter Kennedy Court being conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to those at Peter Kennedy Court

–             communicating with MS Simms Rhoden

–             entering the prohibited area

5. and imposed the following sentence(s) for those breach(es)

Breach as above


150 days (less 42 days’ credit for time served) In addition to 14 days being the reactivated suspended sentence previously imposed on the defendant

6. Accordingly it was ordered that Shirin Khimji be committed for contempt to Her Majesty’s Prison at Highdown for a further period of 122 days or until lawfully discharged if sooner.