CWD -v- Nevitt (anonymity order)
Claim No: QB-2019-000939
In the High Court of Justice
Queen’s Bench Division
Media and Communications list
30 April 2020
The Hon. Mrs Justice Steyn DBE
(1) Verity Nevit
(2) Lucy Nevitt
(3) TZU
UPON an application by the Claimant by Notice dated 29 November 2019 for a reporting restriction order pursuant to s11 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981
AND UPON notice of the said application by the Claimant being given to the media by the Claimant’s application being filed and served upon the Press Association
AND UPON the Court having permitted the parties’ names in these proceedings to be withheld from the public and substituted by letters by Order of Mr Justice Dingemans dated 15 March 2019 (“the 15 March Order”)
AND UPON an application by the First and Second Defendants by Notice dated 29 November 2019 that paragraph 2.d) of the 15 March Order be varied in order that they may be identified by name as the defendants in these proceedings
AND UPON the said application by the First and Second Defendants being resolved between the First and Second Defendant and the Claimant by consent
AND UPON hearing Gervase de Wilde of Counsel for the Claimant and Catrin Evans, one of Her Majesty’s Counsel, and Emma Foubister of Counsel, for the First and Second Defendants, and Sam Tobin for the Press Association
AND UPON the Court approving the resolution of the said application by the First and Second Defendants by consent, but reserving judgment on the said application by the Claimant
- Paragraph 2(d) of the 15 March Order is amended with the effect that the substitution of the letters (1) MXN and (2) QYR for the names of the First and Second Defendants shall cease, and they may be identified by their names, Verity Nevitt being the name of the First Defendant and Lucy Nevitt being the name of the Second Defendant.
- Pending the handing down of judgment and consequential order on the application by the Claimant by Notice dated 29 November 2020, or pending further application, pursuant to s11 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981, there shall be no publication in connection with the proceedings of the name of the Claimant, or of any information likely to lead members of the public to identify the Claimant as a person concerned in the proceedings.
- The costs of the applications by the Claimant and by the First and Second Defendants by Notices dated 29 November 2019 are in the case.