FG -v- The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (anonymity order)
Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order
Claim Number: CO/1892/2023
In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court
9 April 2024
Mr Justice Murray
THE KING on the application of
The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Anonymity Order
BEFORE Mr Justice Murray
UPON hearing Counsel for the Claimant and the Defendant on 16 and 17 January 2024
AND UPON handing down of judgment on 9 April 2024
- Pursuant to CPR r. 39.2(4), there shall not be disclosed in any report of the proceedings the name of the Claimant or any details leading to her identification and the Claimant, if referred to, shall only be referred to as ‘FG’.
- Pursuant to s.11 Contempt of Court Act 1981, there must be no publication of the identity of the Claimant, or of any details leading to her identification in any report of, or otherwise in connection with, these proceedings.
- Pursuant to CPR r. 5.4C, a person who is not party to the proceedings may obtain a copy of a statement of case, judgment or order from the court records only if the statement of case, judgment or order has been anonymised such that: (a) the Claimant is referred to in those documents only as ‘”FG”; and (b) any reference to the name of the Claimant is deleted from these documents.
- The Claimant is granted permission on grounds 1, 2 and 3.
- The claim is dismissed.
- The Claimant do pay the Defendant’s costs of the claim, subject to detailed assessment and subject to the costs protection provided by section 26 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 and the Civil Legal Aid (Costs) Regulations 2013.
- There shall be a detailed assessment of the Claimant’s legal aid costs.
Date: 9 April 2024