FGF -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)

Special Immigration Appeals CommissionAnonymity Order

Case number: SN/01/2023

In the Special Immigration Appeals Commission

30 September 2024


Mr Justice Johnson




Secretary of State for the Home Department

Anonymity order

UPON the Applicant’s application of 02 September 2024, for indefinite continuation of the Commission’s anonymity order dated 25 September 2023 pursuant to rule 39(5)(h) of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Procedure) Rules 2003 and for an order restraining publication pursuant to section 11 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 (“the application”)

AND UPON considering the documents (application notice, legal submissions, and draft order) (‘the documents’) lodged pursuant to paragraph 38 of the Commission’s Practice Note on Anonymity Orders and Related Measures (“the Practice Notice”)

AND UPON the Media Legal Representatives having been notified of the application by email on 3rd September 2024.

AND UPON (1) consideration of the Article 8 rights of the Applicant to respect for private and family life and the Article 10 right to freedom of expression; and (2) it appearing that non-disclosure of the identity of the Applicant is necessary in order to protect the interests of the Applicant and that there is no sufficient countervailing public interest in disclosure


  1. Nothing may be published which, directly, or indirectly, identifies the Applicant as a party to these proceedings before the Commission.

  2. There be liberty to apply on 7 days’ written notice to the Commission, to the Applicant, to the Secretary of State and to the Media Legal Representatives (as defined in the Practice Note).


Dated this 30th day of September 2024