Freezing injunction: Sukhvinder Kaur Bains and Thomas Guthrie (as joint trustees in the bankruptcy of Karnail Singh Tumber) -v- Hamran Ltd and others


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Claim number: BR-2018-001849

In the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts of England and Wales
Insolvency and Companies List (ChD)

18 October 2019

In the matter of Karnail Singh Tumber (in bankruptcy) and in the matter of the Civil Procedure Rules and the Insolvency Act 1986

Mrs Justice Falk


Sukhvinder Kaur Bains and Thomas Guthrie (as joint trustees in the bankruptcy of Karnail Singh Tumber)


(1) Hamran Ltd (CRN 08658137)

(2) Kingsley Hamilton Estates Ltd (CRN 09414040)

(3) Karnail Singh Tumber