G7 -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)
Case Number: SC/202/2022
In the Special Immigration Appeals Commission
15 February 2024
Secretary of State for the Home Department
UPON the Commission making an order dated 14 October 2022 on its own initiative that the Appellant shall be granted anonymity and that there will be reporting restrictions on an interim basis in this appeal.
AND UPON the Appellant applying on 10 November 2022 for the interim anonymity order to continue pending a decision on her applications for reinstatement and for an extension of time (“the Applications”).
AND UPON the Commission making an order dated 11 November 2022 continuing the grant of anonymity and reporting restrictions on an interim basis, including the publication of material that could identify the Appellant’s family members, pending a decision on the Applications.
AND UPON the Appellant applying on 23 January 2024 for a restriction on reference being made to the Appellant and her family in open court and in any documents provided to third parties, and the Respondent confirming on 26 January 2024 that he is neutral on that application.
- The names of the Appellant and her family members are not to be referred to in open court or in SIAC’s judgment.
- If any third parties request copies of the documents, then SIAC will allow the Appellant an opportunity to propose redactions those documents, so as to protect the anonymity of the Appellant and her family members, before they are provided to third parties.
DATED 15 February 2024
- Having considered the submissions made by the Appellant and the Respondent I am satisfied that it is appropriate to make this further order specifying more precisely than previously the steps to be taken to preserve anonymity of the Appellant and her family members. I have adopted the Respondent’s suggested rewording of paragraph 2 of the order which in my view provides a clearer process for the consideration of any necessary redactions.
Mr Justice Dove