GHI -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)
Case No: CO/2499/2022
In the High Court of Justice
Queen’s Bench Division
Administrative Court
Date: 13/07/2022
The Honourable Mrs Justice May
The Queen on the application of
Secretary of State for the Home Department
On the Claimant’s application for interim relief and directions expediting the claim
Following consideration of the documents lodged by the Claimant and the Defendant
ORDER by the Honourable Mrs Justice May
- The Defendant is to provide accommodation to the Claimant immediately and for as long as he remains entitled to support under s.4(2) of the Immigration Act 1999.
- The Claimant is to be anonymised in these proceedings, unless or until the court determines otherwise. He is to be referred to as “GHI”.
- There will be no order for expedition of this application for judicial review.
- Either party may apply to the court on 24 hours notice to the other for further directions and/or to vary the terms of this order.
By letter to the Claimant dated 6 July 2022 the Defendant confirmed that he continued to be eligible for support under section 4(2) of the 1999 Act. Yet on 7 July 2022 the Claimant was evicted from his accommodation without explanation: he appears to have returned from a short errand to the shops to find his room locked and the locks changed, with his belongings still inside. Letters and emails chasing Migrant Help have elicited nothing and there has been no response to a Pre-Act Protocol letter dated 8 July 2022.
The Claimant original asylum claim was denied. He has since made a fresh claim. On 6 June 2021 he received a positive Reasonable Grounds decision on his account of being a victim of modern slavery and he is currently awaiting a Conclusive Grounds decision. Unless or until it is conclusively determined that he is not a victim of trafficking he is vulnerable and for that reason it is in the interests of justice that he should be anonymised in these proceedings.
Since this order requires the Defendant to provide accommodation there is no need to expedite the underlying claim for judicial review.