GXH -V- The Board of Governors of St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School and Wiltshire Council (anonymity order)

Anonymity Order

Claim No. QB-2021-003143

In the High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division

23rd July 2021

Master Eastman

B e t w e e n:
(A child by FXH, her litigation friend)
The Board of Governors of St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School
Wiltshire Council



Upon reading the witness statement of Andrew Lord dated 23 July 2021 and the skeleton argument

And it appearing to the court

1. That the action concerns confidential information and publicity of the identity of the Claimant or the litigation friend would damage that confidentiality.

2. That revealing the identity of the claimant or the litigation friend may adversely Impinge on the interests of the Claimant and their family.

And pursuant to the Contempt of Court Act 1981, s11, the Civil Procedure Rules 1998, rules 5.4a to 5.4d and CPR rule 39.2, and the inherent jurisdiction of the court

It is ordered

1. That there be substituted for all purposes in this action in place of reference to the claimant by name, and whether orally or in writing, references to “GXH”.

2. That there be substituted for all purposes in this action in place of reference to the Claimant’s Litigation Friend by name, and whether orally or in writing, references to “FXH”.

3. That there be substituted for all purposes in this action in place of reference to the Claimant’s address, and whether orally or in writing, references to “C/O Leigh Day”.

4. This order having been made without a hearing any interested party may apply to have it set aside or varied providing that such application is made within seven days of receiving this order.

5. A non-party may not inspect or obtain a copy of any document from the court file without the permission of a Judge or Master of the Queen’s Bench Division. Any application for such permission must be made on notice to the Claimant.

6. A non-party may not obtain any copy of a statement of case or document from the court file unless it has been anonymised in accordance with this direction and there has been redacted any information which might identify the claimant or the litigation friend.

7. There shall be no publication or other disclosure of any name, address or information tending to identify the Claimant or the Litigation Friend.