IA and others -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department and another (anonymity order)
Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order
Claim number: CO/ 2593/2023
In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court
14 August 2023
Mr Justice Murray
The King on the application of
(1) IA
(2) AE
(3) ZZ
(4) MB
(5) KK
(6) IAL
(7) NA
(8) AS
(9) AR
(10) MG
Secretary of State for the Home Department
Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
the Claim Form and Statement of Facts and Grounds being deemed served on 17 July 2023
the Claimants having served upon the Defendants two further witness statements
the Defendants emailing the Court on 20 July 2023 to confirm that the Draft Regulations would not be implemented before 4 September 2023
the Defendants having served disclosure upon the Claimants on 21 July 2023
1) The Claimants have permission to rely upon the Second Witness Statement of Colin Parker dated 18 July 2023 and the Witness Statement of Zena Lynch dated 22 July 2023 as evidence of fact.
2) The Defendants are to file and serve an Acknowledgement of Service and Summary Grounds of Defence by 4pm on 15 August 2023, and time to file the Acknowledgment of Service and Summary Grounds of Defence is extended accordingly.
3) Any application by the Claimants for permission to rely upon a Reply to the Acknowledgment of Service is to be filed and served, together wit h a copy of the proposed Reply, by 4pm on 18 August 2023.
4) The papers should be placed before a Judge for a permission decision as soon as possible after (an Acknowledgement of Service and any application for permission to rely upon a Reply have been filed and served, or (b) 18 August 2023, whichever is sooner; and in any event permission shall be considered on the papers no later than 1 September 2023.
5) There shall be substituted for all purposes in these proceedings, including on the Courts Register of Claims, and whether orally or in writing, the initials of the first and last names of each Claimant in place of references to their full names.
6) To the extent necessary to prevent the identification of the Claimants, other references, whether to persons, places or otherwise, shall be adjusted appropriately, with permission to the parties to apply in default of agreement as to the manner of any such adjustment.
7) Until further order, the publication of the names of the Claimants, or any particulars or details which may lead to their identification in connection with these proceedings, is prohibited.
8) In respect of a non party:
a. A non party may not obtain or inspect any document from the Court records, pursuant to CPR 5.4A D or otherwise, without further order of the Court.
b. Any non party wishing to obtain or inspect any document from the Court records pursuant to CPR 5.4A D must apply for permission to do so.
c. If and insofar as permission is granted to a non party to obtain any document or inspect any document from the Court records, that document must be edited/adjusted in accordance with the above paragraphs of this order.
9) Any party affected by paragraphs 5 8 above may apply on notice to vary or set aside the relevant parts of the Order.
10) Costs in the case.