JXJ -v- The Province of Great Britain of the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools (The De La Salle Brothers) (anonymity order)

Anonymity Order

REF: BJ/2020/1481/A


05 May 2021

In the Court of Appeal, Civil Division



Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Nicola Davies DBE

The Province of Great Britain of the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools (The De La Salle Brothers)

ORDER made by the Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Nicola Davies DBE
On consideration of the application for anonymity
And on consideration of the papers and without an oral hearing


  1. An order pursuant to CPR 39.2(4) that the identity of the claimant shall not be disclosed during the court proceedings and in any reporting thereof is granted.
  2. The claimant shall hereafter be referred to as ‘JXJ’ in all court documents and correspondence to include listing information and publication of any orders made.