MS -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)

High CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Claim Number: AC-2024-LON-000866

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division

21 March 2024


DHCJ Antony Dunne


R (on the application of MS)


Secretary of State for the Home Department

Consent Order

UPON the Claimant’s application for anonymity order pursuant to CPR Rule 39.2(4),

AND UPON considering the Claimant’s N463 application dated 12 March 2024 for and supporting documents,

AND UPON the Court listing a hearing to determine that application for 21 March 2024,


  1. Pursuant to CPR r.39.2, in any report of these proceedings, there shall be no publication of the name and address of the Claimant, nor any other particulars likely to lead to his identification. In the proceedings, the Claimant shall be anonymized and referred to as “MS”.
  2. The hearing listed for 21 March 2024 be vacated.
  3. The Defendant does not object to the application for expedition at least up to determination of permission.
  4. The Defendant’s Acknowledgement of Service and Summary Grounds of Defence, including a response to the application for interim relief, shall be filed and served by 28 March 2024.
    5.The papers shall thereafter be placed before a Judge, to make a decision on permission,interim relief and onward expedition as soon as reasonably practicable but no later than 14days upon the filing of the AoS (without prejudice to the Defendant’s right to makesubmissions in the AOS, if so advised, as to whether the interim relief should bedetermined on the papers or at a hearing).
    6.Costs reserved.