NT -v- Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (anonymity order)

County CourtAnonymity Order

Claim number: J05LV734

In the County Court at Liverpool

12 July 2023


District Judge Jenkinson




Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust


Before District Judge Jenkinson sitting at the County Court at Liverpool, Liverpool, Civil And Family Courts,
35 Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX.
UPON HEARING Mr. Eastwood of Counsel for the Claimant and Mr. Ralph Counsel for the Defendant.
AND UPON The Defendants not opposing the making of the order.
AND PURSUANT to section 11 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981; and Civil Procedure Rules (“CPR”) 5.4A to 5.4D and 39.3(4)


  1. Pursuant to CPR 39.2(4), the claimant shall have anonymity in these proceedings until further order. They will
    be referred to solely as NT.
  2. There shall be no publication of the claimant’s name or address or any other particulars likely to lead to the
    claimant’s identification, without the permission of the court.
  3. No documents containing information that could identify the claimant shall be supplied from court records to
    persons who are not parties to the claim.
  4. If any non-party seeks to obtain documents concerning this case pursuant to CPR 5.4C(2), no such document
    shall be provided unless the court, having first invited representations from the parties to this case, so directs.
  5. The case shall be known for all purposes as NT v Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.
  6. Any party or non-party affected by this order may apply to have this Order set aside or varied within 7 days
    of this Order being sealed.
  7. A copy of this order shall be published on the Judicial Website.