OH -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)

Anonymity Order


The High Court, Queen’s Bench Division

12 November 2021

Mr Justice Kerr

Secretary of State for the Home Department

UPON reading the claimant’s application and grounds and supporting evidence and the application for urgent consideration and interim relief

  1. The claimant shall be referred to in these proceedings as OH.
  2. Pursuant to CPR 39.2(4), there shall be no publication of the name or address of any claimant or of any particulars of the case likely to lead to the identification of the claimant.
  3. Pursuant to CPR 39.2(5) a copy of this order shall be published on the website of the Judiciary of England and Wales.
  4. Any person has liberty on three days’ written notice to the parties to apply to vary or discharge this part of this order.

Case management hearing

  1. There will be a case management hearing of this case at the same time as the hearing already ordered by Lane J on 10 November 2021 in CO/3716/2021, CO/3721/2021 and CO/3751/2021 as soon as practicable, to be listed in conjunction with counsel’s clerks, with a current time estimate of two hours.
  2. At that hearing, the parties must be in a position to address the court on the following:

(a) the rationale for invoking the closed material procedure under CPR 82.19 et seq and the timetable for any such procedure;

(b) the timetable generally, having regard to the apparent need for urgency in this and the other cases mentioned above;

(c) whether permission should be decided on the papers or at a hearing;

(d) whether the issue of permission should be decided by the same judge in each of the cases;

(e) whether (if permission is given or there is a “rolled up” hearing) the three cases should be heard together or consecutively; or otherwise by the same judge.


For the same reasons as those given by Lane J in his order of 9 November 2021 mentioned above, it is appropriate at this stage for this case to be considered together (though not formally linked) to the other cases to be considered at the case management hearing.