PD -v- The Metropolitan Police and another (anonymity order)

High CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Claim Number: J03CL355

In the County Court at
Central London

2 August 2023

HHJ Bloom

(1) The Metropolitan Police
(2) TSB Henry Duncan House

Anonymity Order

Before Her Honour Judge Bloom sitting at the County Court at Central London, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL on 27 July 2023
UPON HEARING counsel for the Claimant as direct access, counsel for the First Defendant and counsel for the Second Defendant

AND UPON the Claimant making an oral application for an adjournment to take instructions and considering the Claimant’s counsel’s concerns as to whether a solicitor needs to be instructed on behalf of the Claimant

And Upon the court considering the Claimant’s applications for a privacy order and sealing of the court file and the First Defendant being neutral in respect of these applications and the claim against the Second Defendant having been struck out by Order made today

And Upon the court informing the intern who attended the hearing that he must not report back to his firm or anyone about the claim against the First Defendant as this is now a closed file, save that he may inform his firm that (a) the hearing has been adjourned and (b) a privacy order was made under CPR r.39.2 pro tem until the next hearing. If any third party wish to attend the next hearing, they will have to make a third-party application. Any notes are to be destroyed by the intern (save in relation to the claim against TSB Bank).


  1. The Court File in this matter be sealed under CPR r.5.4C(4) with a privacy order made under CPR r.39.2 pro tem until the next hearing at which time it will be reviewed.
  2. Pursuant to r. 39.2 (5), a copy of this Order shall be published on the website of the Judiciary of England and Wales (which may be found at www.judiciary.uk). Any person who is not a party to the proceedings may apply to attend the next hearing and make submissions, or apply to set aside or vary the order.
  3. The application by the First Defendant is adjourned until 6th November 2023, estimate length of hearing 1 day reserved to Her Honour Judge Bloom and any case management of this matter also reserved to Her Honour Judge Bloom. Skeleton arguments to be filed at centrallondoncjskell@justice.gov.uk from those who are represented at least 14 days before the adjourned hearing.
  4. No further evidence to be filed without permission of the court save that the Claimant has permission to file a short witness statement of no more than 4 sides double-spaced to clarify his case; such statement to be filed and served no later than 28 days before the adjourned hearing and the 1st Defendant can file and serve (if so advised) a short witness statement in response no later than 14 days before the adjourned hearing.
  5. The Claimant does pay, within 28 days, the 1st Defendant’s costs thrown away of today in the agreed sum of £1,512 including VAT.

Dated 27 July 2023