SM and others -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department

Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionTransmission Direction Order

Claim numbers:

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court

1 July 2024


The Hon. Mr Justice Chamberlain


The King on the application of


Secretary of State for the Home Department


Of the court’s own motion

And in advance of the hearing on 9 to 12 July 2024

Order by the Hon. Mr Justice Chamberlain:

1. Any request for a direction under section 85A(3)(b) of the Courts Act 2003 (“a transmission direction request”) by any person not taking part in the proceedings (‘an applicant’) for permission to watch or listen to the proceedings remotely must be made by 10am on Monday 8 July 2024.

2. Any transmission direction request should be sent by email to and must include the following:
a. the full name of the applicant;
b. the email address of the applicant;
c. information as to whether the applicant would be located within the jurisdiction of England and Wales at all times when attending the proceedings remotely (if a transmission direction were to be made); and, if not, details of the applicant’s location;
d. any information the applicant wishes to provide in support of the request, including in particular any reason(s) why it is contended that making such a direction would be in the interests of justice; and
e. a statement by the applicant in the following terms: “If permitted to attend the hearing remotely, I understand that I must not record or transmit what I see and hear. I understand that it is an offence and may be a contempt of court to do so, and that I may be punished if I were to do so.”

3. Unless exceptionally the Court otherwise directs, a transmission direction request made otherwise than in accordance with this Order will not be granted.


This order is made to ensure that any transmission direction requests are made in a timely manner, to enable them to be considered and determined prior to the hearing, and to ensure that any such requests are accompanied by the necessary information.