SMSA -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)

Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Claim No. AC-2024-LON-000783

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court

7 March 2024


The Honourable Mrs Justice Stacey


The King on the application of


Secretary of State for the Home Department



UPON the Claimant’s application for anonymity order pursuant to CPR Rule 39.2(4),

AND UPON reading the Claimant’s N463 Application for Urgent Consideration, submissions in support, detailed Statement of Facts and Grounds, and evidence in support,


1. The Defendant shall, by no later than 4 pm Thursday 14 March 2024, file and serve a response to the Claimant’s application for interim relief.

2. The Claimant’s Application for interim relief shall be referred to a Judge for further consideration on the papers as soon as is reasonably practicable thereafter, preferably by 22 March 2024 if that is consistent with any other listing priorities and workload

3. Pursuant to CPR Rule 39.2(4), anonymity is granted in the terms of the Schedule
appended to this draft order.

4. Costs reserved.


  1. Pursuant to CPR Rule 39.2(4) there shall be no publication in any newspaper or other media or other disclosure of any name, address, image or other information tending to identify the Claimant in relation to his involvement in these proceedings.
  2. In any publication or broadcast relating to these proceedings, the Claimant shall be known by the letters SMSA.
  3. Pursuant to CPR Rule 5.4C a person who is not a party to the proceedings may obtain a copy of the Statement of Case, Judgment or Order from the Court records only if a Statement of Case, Judgment or Order has been anonymised such that:
    a. The Claimant is referred to in those documents as ‘SMSA’.
    b. The address of the Claimant has been deleted from those documents.
    c. For the purpose of this claim, including any Statement of Case, Judgment, Order or other document, the Claimant shall be known by the letters ‘SMSA’.
  4. In so far as any Statement of Case, Judgment, Order or other documents to which anyone might have access pursuant to CPR Rule 5.4A – D does not comply with paragraph 3 above, the Claimant’s Solicitors have permission to file with the Court copies of any such document adjusted so that it does comply. Such copies are to be treated for all purposes as being in substitution for the relevant original; and the originals are then to be retained by the Court in a sealed envelope marked “not to be opened without the permission of a Judge or Master of the King’s Bench Division”.
  5. Any interested party, whether or not a party to the proceedings, may apply to the Court to vary or discharge this Order, providing that any such application is made on notice to the Claimant’s Solicitor and that 7 working days’ prior notice of the intention to make such an Application is given. The Court will affect service of the application.