Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd -v- Khan and others

Business and Property CourtsBusiness ListCourt of Appeal Civil DivisionHigh CourtJudgment

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Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWCA Civ 531
Case Numbers: CA-2023-000868 and CA-2024-000237

In the Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
On Appeal from the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts of England and Wales
Business List (ChD)
Mr Justice Leech
[2023] EWHC 302 (Ch), [2023] EWHC 525 (Ch)

23 May 2024

Lord Justice Newey
Lord Justice Arnold
Lord Justice Nugee

Solicitors Regulation Authority Ltd
(1) Soophia Khan (Defendant/Appellant in CA-2023-000868)
(2) Sophie Khan & Co Ltd
(3) Just For Public Ltd (Defendants/Appellants in CA-2024-000237)