ST -v- London Borough of Haringey (anonymity order)
Administrative CourtHigh CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order
Claim number: AC-2023-LON-002662
In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
Administrative Court
22 September 2023
Roger ter Haar KC sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge
The King on the application of
London Borough of Haringey
On an application by the Claimant for (1) an anonymity order; and (2) an order for abridgment of the Defendant’s time for Service of its Acknowledgment of Service
Following consideration of the documents lodged by the Claimant and a letter from the Legal Services Department of the Defendant dated 14 September 2023
ORDER by Roger ter Haar KC sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge
- The Claimant’s application for an anonymity order is granted under CPR r 39.2(4) and/or the general case management powers in CPR r. 3.1(2). The Claimant in this action shall have anonymity until further order. No report or publication of these proceedings shall directly or indirectly identify the Claimant. Pursuant to CPR r.5.4(c), a person not a party to the proceedings may obtain a copy of the statement of case, judgment or order of the court records, only if the statement of case, judgment or order from the court has been anonymised. In the case title, the Claimant’s name shall be replaced by the initials ‘ST’. Failure to comply with this direction could lead to contempt of Court proceedings.
- The application for abridgment of the time for the Defendant to serve the Acknowledgment of Service is refused.
- The costs of this application will be reserved.
- I have seen the guidance given by Fordham J. in an order made by him in R on the application of AZ v Secretary of State for the Home Department and another (CO/2397/2023) discouraging in strong terms applications such as this.
- As the Defendant points out in its letter of 14 September 2023, this claim has not been brought promptly. This makes it particularly inappropriate for the application for abridgment to be sought.