WFZ -v- British Broadcasting Corporation (anonymity order)
Claim Number: KB-2023-002567
In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division
14 June 2023
The Honourable Mrs Justice Collins Rice
British Broadcasting Corporation
Anonymity and Reporting Restriction Order
UPON the Claimant’s application by Application Notice dated 9 June 2023 seeking injunctive relief (“the Claimant’s Application”)
AND UPON it not being possible to conclude submissions on the Claimant’s Application at the hearing on 14 June 2023
AND UPON HEARING Leading Counsel for the Claimant and Leading Counsel for the Defendant
(1) The derogations from open justice contained in the Order of Nicklin J dated 8 June 2023 are to remain in place and are to be reviewed after Collins Rice J delivers judgment on Claimant’s Application.
(2) Pursuant to CPR 39.2(5) a copy of this Order will be published on the Judiciary Website.
(3) Costs reserved.