WHH -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)
Claim number: CO/3801/2022
In the Administrative Court
18 July 2023
Mrs Justice Lang
The King on the application of
WHH (SUDAN) by his litigation friend, Karris Hamilton
Secretary of State for the Home Department
UPON the Order of the Honourable Mrs Justice Lang DBE dated 14 July 2023 adjourning the hearing listed for 19-20 July 2023 and directing the parties to file proposed further directions;
AND UPON the Claimant having served a Request for Further Information and Specific Disclosure dated 13 July 2023 (the “Request”);
- The Defendant shall provide such substantive answers and disclosure in response to the Request as she may be advised to provide, by 11 August 2023. If the Claimant is dissatisfied with the response to the Request, he has liberty to apply for an order for further information and/or specific disclosure.
- Time for the Claimant’s reply and/or further evidence is extended to 28 days of service of the Defendant’s response to the Request.
- At the same time as serving the Claimant’s Reply and further evidence, the Claimant shall indicate to the Defendant whether he still wishes to cross-examine the Defendant’s witness, Mr Benn Higgs, and if so shall identify the substantial disputes of fact which are alleged to require such cross-examination. In the absence of agreement between the parties as to whether cross-examination should be permitted, the Claimant has liberty to apply for permission to cross-examine.
- The directions to hearing are as follows:
a. The Claimant shall file and serve an agreed hearing bundle 21 days before the hearing.
b. The Claimant shall file and serve his skeleton argument 14 days before the hearing.
c. The Defendant shall file and serve her skeleton argument 7 days before the hearing.
d. The Claimant shall file and serve an agreed authorities bundle 5 days before the hearing. - The Defendant shall pay the Claimant’s costs of and occasioned by the adjournment on the indemnity basis, to be assessed if not agreed.
- Liberty to apply.