YJW -v- Secretary of State for the Home Department (anonymity order)

High CourtKing's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Claim number: CO/2779/2022

In the High Court of Justice
King’s Bench Division

30 October 2023


Mr Justice Swift


The King on the application of


Secretary of State for the Home Department

Consent Order

UPON the Court of Appeal handing down judgment in CA-2023-000176 (R (AAA and Ors) v SSHD) and CA-2023-000189 (R (Asylum Aid) v SSHD) on 29 June 2023

AND UPON the SSHD being granted permission to appeal to the Supreme Court in UKSC 2023/0093, 0094, 0095, 0096 & 0097 – R (AAA & Ors), HTN (Vietnam), RM (Iran), AS (Iran) & SAA (Sudan) v SSHD

AND UPON the Defendant agreeing to not make a decision in respect of the inadmissibility of the Claimants’ asylum claim, or issue him with removal directions, pending the final resolution of the NRM process, including consideration of whether the Claimant should be granted discretionary leave to remain

1. The application for permission be stayed until 14 days after the Supreme Court hands down the judgment in UKSC 2023/0093, 0094, 0095, 0096 & 0097 – R (AAA & Ors), HTN(Vietnam), RM (Iran), AS (Iran) & SAA (Sudan) v SSHD
2. Within 7 days of the expiry of the stay, the Claimant must file and serve submissions concerning his proposals for the case management of this claim.
3. The Defendant may file a reply to the Claimant’s submissions. If she does so, the reply must be filed and served within 7 days of receipt of the Claimant’s submissions.
4. Pursuant to CPR r.39.2(4), the Claimant’s name be anonymised throughout these proceedings, and he is to be known as ‘YJW’. No report of these proceeding may identify the Claimant directly or indirectly. Any non-party may apply to the Court on paper to discharge this paragraph of this order, but any such application must be made on 7 days’ written notice to the parties.
5. Costs reserved.