Councillor Patricia Strack on behalf of the Woodcock Hill Village Green Committee (claimant/appellant) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (defendant/respondent) & ors

Wednesday 24 January 2024

This is an appeal against the Order of Lane J of 24 March 2023 by which he dismissed the Appellant’s application for Judicial review.

The Appellant sought to challenge the decision of 24 May 2022 of the inspector appointment by the Secretary of State by which he allowed an application by Laing Homes under section 16 of the Commons Act 2006 for the deregistration and exchange of land in respect of a village green. The site had been granted town and village green status in 2008. The key issues before the inspector included whether the deregistration and exchange were in the public interest and in the neighbourhood’s interest.

View hearing:

Part 1

Part 2