Geoquip Marine Operations AG (claimant/appellant) v Tower Resources Cameroon SA & anr (defendants/respondents)
Thursday 2 March 2023
By Appellant’s Notice filed on 9 June 2022, the Claimant appeals the Order of Per Macdonald Eggers QC (sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court) dated 19 May 2022 giving judgment to Claimant the but dismissing the claim for the standby costs.
Background – This action concerns claims made the Claimant (“Geoquip”) under a contract for offshore geotechnical investigation services (“the Contract”) carried out off the coast of Cameroon. The counterparty to the Contract was the First Defendant (“Tower Cameroon”). The Second Defendant (“Tower plc”) guaranteed Tower Cameroon’s obligations under the Contract. The geotechnical investigation services were for the purpose of assessing the ground conditions of a proposed drilling site in Thali, Cameroon with a view to the installation of a Jack-Up Rig.
View hearing: