Granville Technology Group Ltd (In Liquidation) & ors (appellants) v Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd & ors (respondents)

Thursday 3 August 2023

These are appeals against the Orders of Mr Adrian Beltrami KC (sitting as a judge of the High Court):

Order of 22 December 2022 that ordered that the Challenged Interest Claim against the Third and Fourth Defendants was struck out pursuant to CPR 3.4(2)(a), or alternatively the Third and Fourth Defendants were granted summary judgment on the Challenged Interest Claim pursuant to CPR 24.2.

Order of 30 January 2023 that ordered that the Amendment Application be refused.

This was a “follow-on” damages claim, initially brought against 6 defendants in respect of an infringement of EU competition law in the market for LCD panels in the European Economic Area.

This involved an application, by notice dated 3 October 2022, made by the 3rd and 4th Defendants (together LG), to strike out or for summary judgment in respect of the claim made by the Claimants for pre-judgment interest on the compound basis under the Court’s equitable jurisdiction. The application was made pursuant to CPR 3.4(2)(a), that the relevant part of the statement of case disclosed no reasonable grounds for bringing a claim, and further or in the alternative pursuant to CPR 24.2, that the Claimants had no reasonable prospect of succeeding on that claim and that there was no compelling reason why its determination should be disposed of at trial.

View hearing:

Part 1

Part 2