Hua She Asset Management (Shanghai) Company Ltd (respondent) v Hung (appellant)

Tuesday 5 December 2023

By appellant’s notice filed on 28 July 2023, Mr Hung, the First Respondent below, appeals Foxton J’s order dated 7 July 2023.

Hua She (the Claimant in the Arbitration) is a substantial judgment creditor and Mr Kei the judgment debtor. That judgment arose as a result of the order of Robin Knowles J on 16 July 2021. That order gave Hua She permission to enforce as a judgment of this court a Hong Kong arbitration award, which had been obtained against Mr Kei in the original sum of $22 million. Robin Knowles J also granted Hua She a freezing order against Mr Kei, limited to assets within England and Wales.

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