Pitalia & anr (appellant) v NHS England (respondent)

Wednesday 24 May 2023

By Appellants Notice filed on 10 October 2022, the two Claimants (C) appeal against the ” decision” and orders of HHJ Pearce, sitting in Manchester County Court, following his judgment dated 17 June 2022.

HHJ Pearce’s order dismissed C’s appeal [from the order of DJ Matharu dated 27 August 2021] and adjourned the question of costs to a consequentials hearing

HHJ Pearce’s order dated 20 September 2022 ordered Cs to pay D’s costs of the appeal.

Background:- Cs, both GPs, issued a claim arising out of a commercial contract between them and NHS England and its predecessors in title, for alleged non payment of a grant and under payment of rental reimbursement payments.

View hearing:

Part 1

Part 2